Otaku Engineer in Great Tang Dynasty
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 2291
Get Away!2191Arrested!2192Eliminate Traitors!2193Hesitant Wu Jie!2194Zhao Song in the Circle!2195Chapter 20722196Mysterious Plan!2197Six Gods without Masters!2198Fudge, Send a Letter!2199Double Happiness!2200Mess!2201Arrogant Huang Wu!2202People Loot and Get It!2203Ideal!2204Help!2205Unspoken!2206Inherit the Life of the Teacher!2207The King Is Saved!2208Throw the Pot!2209Not Much Harm, Highly Insulting!2210For Your Sake!2211Chapter 21452212Confrontation!2213Meet by Chance2214Opportunities and Challenges!2215Unlock!2216Financial Sanctions!2217Cost!2218Sir Do Not Agree!2219Intercession, Warning!2220Countermeasures!2221Thunder Trend!2222Plan, Surprise!2223Unsung Hero!2224Touch the Row!2225Little Beggar!2226Opportunity!2227The Eldest Grandson Wuji Worry!2228Calumny!2229Happy Li Er!2230Wealth Is Moving!2231Was Pitted Confrontation!2232Just Follow the Plan!2233Hit Straight, and Apologize with Death!2234Mountain Chief? I Don't Understand!2235Li Zexuan's Position!2236Livestock! It's All a Bunch of Animals!2237Military Heart!2238Sao Operation, New Tricks!2239Fight Chicken Blood, the Big Guy Comes to the Door!2240