Hogwarts Everything Is Three

References Dungeons and Dragons Prestige Classes Archmage

Basic Information

Advanced occupation of Dungeons and Dragons: Archmage (ARCHMAGE)


To qualify as an archmage, a character must meet all of the following criteria.

Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks, Spellcraft 15 ranks.

Feats: Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus in both schools.

Spells: Can cast 7th-level arcane spells, and know spells of 5th level or higher from at least five different schools.

Occupation skills

The archmage's class skills (the key attributes of the skill are in parentheses): Concentration (Con), Craft (Alchemy) (Int), Knowledge (all aspects, to be selected one by one) (Int), Profession (Perception), Search ( Intelligence), Spellcraft (Int).

Upgrade skill points: 2 + Intelligence modifier.

Table: Archmage Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Abilities Spells per Day 1+0+0+0+2 Greater Arcane Abilities Existing Arcane Spellcasting Class Level+12+1+0+0 +3 Greater Arcane Ability Existing Arcane Spellcasting Class Level +13+1+1+1+3 Greater Arcane Ability Existing Arcane Spellcasting Class Level +14+2+1+1+4 Greater Arcane Ability Existing Arcane Spellcasting Class Level +15+2+1+1+4 Higher Arcane Abilities Existing Arcane Spellcasting Class Level +1

occupational characteristics

The following are class features of the archmage prestige class:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An archmage gains no weapon or armor proficiency.

Spells per Day/Spells Known: Each time the Archmage levels up, the Spells per Day (and Spells Known, if applicable) increase, just as the Archmage was able to cast 7th-level arcane spells before, but not before Other abilities of spellcasting classes.

If a character had more than one spellcasting class capable of casting 7th-level arcane spells before becoming an archmage, a character must choose which spellcasting class to add this level of archmage to to determine the new number of spells per day.

High Arcana: When leveling up, the archmage has the opportunity to choose and gain the following special abilities, at the cost of permanently losing an existing spellcasting slot (he cannot eliminate spell slots higher than the highest level he can cast) . Each special ability has a minimum level of spellcasting slots required, as detailed below.

The archmage may also choose to eliminate spellcasting slots of a higher arcane level than required to gain greater arcane abilities.

Arcane Fire (Su): The archmage can convert the energy of a prepared arcane spell into arcane fire, turning it into a bolt of raw spell energy. Arcane fire is a ranged touch attack with a range of 400 + 40 feet/level of the archmage that deals 1d6 points of damage per level of the arcane spell plus 1d6 damage per level of the converted arcane spell. This ability requires a spellcasting slot of 9th level.

Arcane Reach (Su): The archmage can use touch spells to reach targets within 30 feet. This special ability can be selected twice, in which case the range is 60 feet. This ability requires a 7th-level spellcasting slot.

Mastery of Counterspelling: When the archmage counters a spell, it immediately returns to the caster as though fully affected by spell turning. If the spell cast cannot be turned by spell turning, the spell is merely countered. This ability requires a 7th-level spellcasting slot.

Mastery of Elements: The archmage can alter it when casting an arcane spell, replacing a normal element with a different one. This ability can only alter spells with the following descriptions: acid, cold, fire, electricity, sonic.

The casting time of transformed arcane spells is not affected. The caster can choose whether to switch the spell's energy type before beginning to cast the spell, specifying the new energy type for this arcane spell. This ability requires an 8th-level spellcasting slot.

Mastery of Shaping: The archmage can alter the area of ​​effect of area or effect spells using the following shapes: burst, cone, cylinder, diffuse ( ), spread (spread). The archmage can use this special ability to create areas within the spell's sphere of effect that are not affected by the spell. The minimum volume of these areas is a cube with a side of 5 feet. Also, the ability to shape mastery reduces the minimum area of ​​effect of shapeable spells from 10 feet to 5 feet. This ability requires a 6th-level spellcasting slot.

Spell Power: This special ability increases the archmage's effective caster level by 1 (applies only to spell properties that vary by level, such as damage rolls, range, and caster level checks). This ability requires a 5th-level spellcasting slot.

Spell-Like Ability: An archmage can permanently store a specific spell in one of his vacant spell slots (not including spell slots lost from learning this or other greater arcane abilities), and Turn it into a spell-like ability. This spell-like ability can be used twice per day. To cast this spell-like ability, the archmage does not need any spell components, but still pays experience points. At the same time, if this spell contains expensive material components, the archmage will lose experience points of 10 times the material price (GP) every time it is cast. This ability requires a 5th-level spellcasting slot.

Spell-like abilities usually occupy spell slots of the same level, but sometimes the archmage can also store some arcane spells enhanced by metamagic feats, and use the spell slots corresponding to the spell level.

Archmages can also choose to store lower-level spells with higher-level spell slots, thereby increasing the number of uses of spell-like abilities. A spell-like ability stored in a spell slot 3 levels higher can be used 4 times per day; a spell-like ability stored in a spell slot 6 levels higher can be used 6 times per day.

When selecting this special ability multiple times, the character can continue to transform a spell again, either already selected (increasing the number of daily uses), or an unselected arcane spell.

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